December 2021 Updates!
Hey Guys! Christmas season is here! With that comes a lot of travel and other things so being inconsistent is expected and okay! But being to come workout when possible makes it a whole lot easier once the New Year hits and we are all back to normal schedules.
Here's a few things that you need to know!
Christmas Party - December 11th @ 9am
Our 2021 Christmas Party and 12 Days of CrossFit Workout will be THIS Saturday, December 11th, at 9am. Immediately following the workout, we will hang out and eat some good food. We would love for you guys to bring some sort of brunch food or drink too!
Athlete of the Month - Juan Torres
Our Athlete of the Month for December is Juan Torres! Juan likes to pick up heavy barbells, pet dogs, and eat pasta. If you see Juan in the gym, gym him a nice fist bump. He's a pretty good guy!
Schedule Changes Around the Holidays
Christmas Week December 20th-25th
Monday & Tuesday - Normal Schedule
Wednesday - 9am & 515pm Class
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday - No Classes
New Years Week December 27-January 1st
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday - Normal Classes
Friday - 5am, 6am, & 11am (No Afternoon Classes)
Saturday - No Classes
Programming Shifts
We are coming to the end of our Pressing Cycle as well as Deadlifts, so expect to test out a 2 rep or 3 rep max on those soon! Then shortly after the New Year we will start back on squats and working on some specific lifts. Overall, the workouts wont change much as far as our goals to get stronger and move better. But we may also add in some accessory work to work muscles that we don't normally hit in our workouts so that we stay pretty well balanced.
Food for Thought
We cannot neglect the affects of nutrition and sleep on our bodies and the role they play in recovery and growth. This cannot be overstated enough. If I were to tell you there is a new supplement that grantees muscle growth, loss of body fat, more energy, and being less sore most of us would spend a lot of money to get it. But that's simply what sleep and eating good quality food does for us. Obviously, it's not always possible to get 8-10 hours each night and sometimes a gas station meal is all you can get, but that doesn't mean that sleep and nutrition can't be a priority. Think about how you take care of your body and prioritize it. Start with limiting drinking sugar and eating some sort of fruit and/or vegetable each day, and increase you sleep by 30min - 1 hour. Then we can go from there. See what changes.
You all are awesome! See you in the gym!
Thelo Coaches