What You Need to Know About November at the Gym

November started us off with some colder weather, but don't let that stop you from working out! You warm up quick. Here's a few things coming up.

Daylight Savings Time - November 5th

Remember, Daylight savings time ends this Sunday, November the 5th. Time will fall back an hour. So make sure to have your clocks set correctly so you don't miss the early morning classes!

Thanksgiving Week - November 20-25 Schedule

Monday & Tuesday - Normal Schedule

Wednesday - 9am and 4pm classes ONLY (subject to change times slightly)

Thursday & Friday - To be Announced

Athlete of the Month - Callie Stewart

Callie Stewart is our November member of the month! She has been a member for 2 years, and is a student at JSU. Callie is always happy to be at the gym, and always goes hard. Next time you see Callie, give her a nice high five!


This month we are hitting heavy front squats! Those will come to an end in early December (short cycle). We will also do the same with the gymnastics work. But Towards the end of November, we will bring back some olympic lifting EMOM's and strengths to maintain some power through the holidays and into the new year.

The goal is to keep a mix of short sprints and longer duration workouts and not focus too heavily on either. As the new year comes up, workouts might start to look m ore "open-like".

For those who haven't seen what the CrossFit Open is, look it up! You'll be hearing about it in the gym soon. It's always a blast!

Thoughts from Your Coaches

One of your bodies greatest abilities is its adaptability. It adapts to the stresses that you put on it. So if there is a weakness that you have or something that you do not like about your physical capabilities, attack it directly. Both Rich Froning and Matt Fraser have stated that when they have a weakness, they work on it until it becomes a strength. And that's the exact reason why they are the 2 fittest men to ever do CrossFit. But it's important to understand that the adaptation isn't just mental. You aren't just mentally "soft". Your body physiologically changes to support your efforts to improve your weakness when you work on it. New blood capillaries grow, muscle growth happens, your body sends more nutrients to whatever areas need it most for that activity, and it works very hard to become strong and efficient at that specific movement or activity.

See you in the gym!

Thelo Coaches

John Mayfield