January Updates + Full 2023 Calendar

2023 is here!

Here's some things you need to know...

CrossFit Open 2023

The CrossFit Open is coming up! For those who aren't familiar with the CrossFit Open, this is the beginning stage of the CrossFit Games. CrossFit HQ releases 3 workouts (one per week for 3 weeks) that are performed in your local gym. The workout scores are posted online (if you wish to) and then ranked worldwide. The top individuals will advance to the quarterfinals later on.

For most of us, we don't workout to compete at the CrossFit Games. However, this allows us the opportunity to have some fun with some competition against other members of our gym. We will have our 4 coaches bey team captains and select members who decide to participate in the open. To participate, all you have to do is sign up and show up to do the workout.

The first workout will be announced Thursday, February 16th. We will have "Friday Night Lights" on Friday afternoons of the open. On these Fridays, we will have heat times every 20min starting at 330 for those participating. Each participant will be assigned a judge to count reps for them. We encourage you to come watch if you aren't participating and invite your friends/family. The atmosphere of Friday Night Lights and having others cheer you on is what makes it great.

We will do our own in-house scoring and rank teams each week. You do NOT have to consider yourself competitive at fitness to do this. We just want to have fun! It makes working out more than just working out sometimes. Igniters, we would love for you to participate too! There will inevitably be a barbell involved, but don't feel like you are not welcome! There are scaled and RX divisions.

Ignite 830am Class + Friday Class

The 8am and 9am ignite classes have now combined for an 830am class! We will also now have a Friday morning class at 830am too! We still have childcare Monday - Thursday, but Fridays will not have childcare.

Friday afternoons will still not have a class specific for ignite, however we would love for any afternoon ignite goers to jump into the Friday afternoon CrossFit classes. The workout programmed will be structured so that you can do that without having to modify the workout too much! And ignite's workout will be on the same clock as the CrossFit workout.

Winter Workout Accountability

Remember, everyone who maintains their membership for the months of December, January, and February will automatically be entered into a raffle to get a free month of membership or Workout shoes. Literally, all you have to do is nothing but keep coming to the gym.

MLK Day Schedule

We have decided to have 1 on MLK Day since most will be off of work that day anyway, and it is always fun to have a big class where everyone gets to come. So on Monday January 16th, we will have a class at 9am! This will be a combined CrossFit and Ignite Workout.

Game Time

For a while, we did "Test Week" where we repeated workouts to keep tabs on our progress in fitness. It was a great test, but it also became dreaded because it was not easy and it was an entire week long! So we are going to do something new.

We still want to test our fitness consistently. However, this time it will be a one day "event". We are going to pick 3 Saturdays (see calendar below for dates) to test ourselves in strength, cardio, and agility. Instead of our normal Saturday workout that day, we will go through these tests along side each other and see what we can do! Instead of a 1 hour class, it will be closer to an hour and a half, but much better than a full week. This will be fun, and a way to test our progress after we finish up each strength cycle.

Game Time will be for both ignite and CrossFit, however some of the tests will be different between the two. So mark your calendars for these and do the best you can to be there! We will send out more info as time approaches.

Athlete of the Month - Lindy Mange

Lindy Mange is someone that everybody loves to see walk in the door. She’s one of the friendliest people in the gym and has become a very dedicated 5am-er! When you see Lindy, give her a solid high five.

Food For Thought

I think I've said this twenty times this week to various people so it is worth noting. 1 workout per week is not a waste of time. 1 workout per week is 52 workouts per year. And 52 workouts is a whole lot better than 0 workouts per year. So if all you can get in is 1 workout, come anyway.

2023 Notable Dates

February 17th, February 24th, & March 3rd - CrossFit Open "Friday Night Lights"

April 1st - Game Time #1`

May 13th - Thelo Games 2023

June 5th -- July 28th - CrossFit Kids + Teens

July 8th - Game Time #2

October 7th - Game Time #3

October 28th - Halloween Workout

November 22nd - Gym-Wide Friendsgiving

December 21st - Christmas Party

December 25th through December 29th - Limited Classes All Week (One Class, No Classes, or Open Gym)

**Casino Night to be announced soon. Potential dates - October 14th or November 4th**

Also, be on the lookout for our gym podcast coming out soon! And our coaches will be starting their chosen diets soon to be able to give you guys some feedback on nutrition from experience. Feel free to ask questions and learn from our experience.

Happy New Year! You guys are the best.

See you in the gym.

John Mayfield